First I'd like to start with the flaw in the design. Shadow Priest is in a tricky situation as a spec in general. We are designed to do high damage numbers against multiple targets while our single target dps is very low. Most classes have a choice of how they want to do damage. Take a warlock for example. When they want to spread DoT pressure they can go with Affliction. When they want to do massive single target burst they have Destruction. What option do we have as a priest? Even a Shaman or Druid has choices of how they want to do damage but priests don't, we only have one option. Why are we stuck with only a bad way of doing damage with no options? The answer is that Blizzard doesn't want to balance the game around single target dps. There is a reason why and to me it's not a good one, but we'll get into that later.
I look at WoW from a pvp perspective while most of the game is balanced around the pve. Lets take a moment and look at it a little differently and think about pve. Shadow in it's current state is designed to do high damage when hitting multiple targets. This could be useful for clearing trash or ads on a boss. The down side is that our damage is done over time. How long does a DoT have to sit on a target before we finally achieve "good damage"? Also, what is the most important thing in most raids, the boss? No one cares that you're great at clearing trash, they want to be able to kill a boss. Since we are designed to do damage across multiple targets, our single target damage is very low. Due to this, we don't put up numbers nearly as good other ranged dps on a boss. So, what does that mean for shadow priests? Well usually it means that people would rather take a warlock who can change specs between fights to make himself better suited for each situation while us poor shadow priests are left on the side lines watching.
Since raiding isn't much of an option for shadow, lets talk pvp. That's more exciting anyway! I also want to go back to a topic we talked about briefly above. That is the reason why we're designed with low single target damage. Think about a battleground. We go out there and start throwing our DoT's on targets and trying to put as many numbers on our screen as possible. What if our style didn't change but our single target damage was increased so we matched other ranged dps numbers? Just increasing Mind Blast, Mind Spike and Mind Flay would work perfectly for this. Well the outcome of the game wouldn't be that much different because our dots aren't changing. Even while spreading dots, we still have to focus on single targets. The problem would be in the damage chart at the end of the game. No one would ever have a chance to beat a shadow priest for top damage. Lets face it, we do fairly well as it is now on that chart but does that chart matter? Most people in a battleground base how well they did on how high they are in that chart when in reality, you could be top damage and still have contributed absolutely nothing to your team. Do you ever have that one guy who fights on the road in AB or sits in the middle of WSG and just wont help with an objective? We've all seen them and those are the guys who hit top damage a lot of times but they don't contribute toward the teams victory, only a loss. So, if that's the case, why then are shadow priests balanced around this chart rather than the actual game play? When you figure that one out let me know because I can't come up with a good reason why Blizzard has done that.
I think we've all heard enough ranting about shadow priests now, but all of this has gotten me here. I want to talk about what is coming in WoD and how I think Blizzard has realized what they did was wrong and what they're doing to fix it. We're getting new level 100 talents, that's no secret. These talents are going to be a great thing for shadow priests. There are two in particular that I think will be the best changes and the most used. The first I want to talk about is called (as of now) Divine Clarity.
Divine Clarity will be a large boost to single target damage by increasing the damage of your Mind Spike and Mind Blast by 40%. The catch is that it only works against targets who do not have your shadow dots on them. The reason this could be good is that you can dot other targets while using the proc spec. In the proc spec you get instant cast Mind Spike which already has increased damage of 50%. Stack this 40% on top of that and you've got a heavy hitting nuke. You also get instant cast Mind Blasts which will be hitting 40% harder but that's not it. Your mastery can now also proc from these abilities so you could be hitting twice with each cast and doing amazing damage.
The second new talent that will be great is called (as of now) Spiritual Guidance. I think this will be the more widely used talent. This will allow you to gain a shadow orb each time your shadowy apparitions deal damage. Stacking crit will allow this to work exceptionally well. The increase in orbs will allow you to not only do a massive number of Devouring Plagues but also use Psychic Horror more often without fear of missing out on damage.
These new changes coming in WoD let me know that Blizzard has realized that shadow was in a bad spot and needed to be rescued. Hopefully it's enough and we start to see some positive things coming for the shadow priest in the new expansion. I know I'm looking forward to finding out what Warlords holds for us and I hope you are too.